A Helping Hand: Serving the Seniors in Your Community
With life always on fast-forward, we’re all hurtling through our weeks with work, school, and family responsibilities. We don’t leave our homes much, and we tend to have tunnel vision when it comes to the world around us. Because everyone is caught up in day-to-day events, it’s easy for seniors in our families and communities to feel left behind. Whether it’s isolation, lack of assistance, or living on a fixed income, many seniors face an uphill battle, especially if they’re navigating this alone.
But you can make a difference. If you’ve hit the pause button and realized it’s time to do more in your community, working with seniors is a great way to be of service and even have a more fulfilling life yourself. Consider these resources to launch your efforts.
Health and Wellness
Often, older members of the community need extra assistance, even if they’re uncomfortable asking for it. Here are ways you can step up and make sure the seniors around you are safe and well.
Sign up a Senior for the SilverSneakers® Program at Belle Fourche Rec Center
One is the Loneliest Number: Combating Senior Isolation
Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Depression in the Elderly
Senior Isolation Guide for Better Sleep
What You Need to Know About Insomnia
How to Encourage the Elderly to Exercise
Best Practices for Taking Home Blood Pressure Readings
The Ultimate Guide To Senior Nutrition
Help Them Connect with Fresh Grocery Deliveries
Money Matters
Many seniors live on a fixed income and struggle to make ends meet. If you have a close relationship, here’s how you can help seniors make wise financial decisions:
The 7 Biggest Financial Challenges Senior Citizens Are Facing in Retirement
Millions Of Senior Citizens Can’t Afford Basic Living Expenses: Study
Tips to Help Seniors Cut Costs in Retirement
How to Pay for Different Types of Retirement Homes
The Sale of Their Home Could Go Toward Living Expenses
Ultimately, it makes a significant difference when the community ensures that its elders are seen and cared for. Take the time to ask seniors in your life what they need from the community. Use their responses and your spiritual compass to guide you toward a more neighborly way of living.
The Belle Fourche Rec Center is dedicated to promoting healthy living through recreational and social activities. Sign up a senior today!