Adult Programs
Team Registration Information
Our goal is to promote healthy competition and social time in a structured, yet fun environment. Interested in playing? Pick up your team packet at the Rec or print from our registration page on this website. Team managers organize rosters and collect team fees. Return team packet to the Customer Service desk by the deadline provided. Want to play, but don’t have a team? Contact us, to see if we know of teams looking for players!
COED Sand Adult Volleyball
- Registration Deadline August
- One Day Tournament in August
2023 COED Sand
Volleyball Tournament Champions
Fall & Winter Adult Volleyball
- Registration Deadline early September & early January.
- 8-week season with double elimination tournament.
- Coed plays Sunday afternoon
- Women’s A & B play Monday evenings
- Fall Season: September-November
- Winter Season: January-March
2024 Fall League Champs
Coed A Champs
Womens A Champs
Womens B Champs
Women’s Basketball
- Registration Deadline: March
- Season: 6-weeks
- Days: Tuesday and/or Thursday
- Evenings starting at 6:00pm
- Season runs from March – April
- Cost: $350 per team
Women’s Basketball Champs 2023
Men’s 3v3 Basketball
- Registration Deadline: Early November
- Season: 6-weeks plus tourney
- Days: Wednesday’s
- Evenings
- The season runs from late November-January
- $150 Team